Sunday, 23 September 2007

Beyond Boundaries.

Beyond the boundaries of the galaxy, it formed.
Tiny and irrelevant pieces of dust bonding together, forming their complex dance around each others tiny gravity to bring more complex forms together.
The time was endless and eternal.
An eon, an age, a generation, time itself, all these things meant nothing.
And then in the boiling fury of the new, a spark awoke and was aware.
And there was meaning in time.

Forever is an unnattainable concept to anything that is finite. No matter how you try you cannot comprehend.
Yet it felt like forever, an eternity of nothing, of growing ever larger, piece by piece. A voice that did not speak, a mind that did not think, a soul? All these things were of it and none.
Size was unknown, how can you know size when you are the only thing? And yet it grew, and more than that, it grew angry.
Across the gulf and vastness that was the universe another like it achieved more. There was more to it than rock, there were sparks that danced across it. And in the growing, a sound was made and the sound travelled. For millions of years it travelled.
At the fringe of all, the angry awaited. Now it knew it was not alone. But it was alone. How could another like it achieve what it could not?
Then it knew will. Then it knew purpose.
Then it planned.

And now, It Comes.

End of the Prologue

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